Basic Concepts CSS
Basic Concepts: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) : It's a declarative language that controls the visual presentation of web pages in a browser. It allows defining the style and layout of HTML elements on a page. Style Declarations: A style declaration in CSS contains properties and their values. These properties determine the visual appearance of elements on the page. CSS Rule: A CSS rule is a set of properties associated with a selector. The selector is used to identify the elements to which the rule applies. Example CSS Rule: CSS Comment: Starts with /* and ends with */ . Comments in CSS are for providing explanations or documentation but do not affect the styles. Selector (highlight): The selector specifies the HTML elements that the rule will apply to. In this case, the .highlight selector targets all elements with the class "highlight" . Style Declarations: Style declarations are enclosed in curly braces { } . Each declaration consists of a property, a co...