Mastering Grid Layout with Measurement Units
Introduction: CSS Grid Layout empowers you to create flexible and responsive layouts using various measurement units. Understanding these units gives you powerful control over the size and placement of your grid elements. Units Explained: fr (fraction): Divide available space into fractions. For example, grid-template-columns : 1 fr 2 fr; creates columns taking up 1/3 and 2/3 of the grid's width. rcap (remaining capacity): Fill leftover space after other columns or rows are allocated, ensuring balanced layouts. For instance, grid-template-columns : 100 px 1 rcap; creates a fixed-width column followed by one filling remaining space. rch (relative to grid height) and rex (relative to grid width): Define column or row size based on grid's dimensions. grid-template-rows : 1 rch 50 px; creates rows with first half (100px) and second fixed at 50px . ric (relative to content): Size depends on content within the cell, accommodating varying content lengths. rlh (relat...